2023 Workstreams
Workstreams cover a wide range of topics within the universe of Digital Agriculture.
Organization for
Economic Co-Operation
& Development (OECD)
- Agriculture working party defines binding policy directions and secretariat/members draft reports outlining policy considerations and proposing policy direction.
- Generally leading to more direct and timely impact on national legislation.
- Monitor ongoing discussions and engage in multistakeholder discussions as required.
Food & Agriculture
Organization (FAO)
- An Open-Ended Working Group is developing policy recommendations and broader perspectives on digital agriculture.
- Initiative on “data for policy decisions” being broadened to an overarching review and policy recommendations on digital agriculture.
- Recommendations/guidelines based however developing markets look to FAO for guidance.
- Incubator of policy ideas.
- Lengthy time horizon for impact on national legislation.
Digital Agriculture Association Side Event at CFS 51:
The side event, Improved data management for increased sustainability, food security and nutrition provided a rich exchange of viewpoints on the importance of data use for improved decision-making, while highlighting data governance concerns, and the need to achieve a balance between open data, privacy and intellectual property. The event involved representatives from Kenya and USDA and USAID, farmers, as well as Mark Ball, Global Head of Public Affairs for Syngenta, a Digital Ag Association member. To view a recording of the event, please go to the following link and use the passcode (SE112023+).
The side event, Improved data management for increased sustainability, food security and nutrition provided a rich exchange of viewpoints on the importance of data use for improved decision-making, while highlighting data governance concerns, and the need to achieve a balance between open data, privacy and intellectual property. The event involved representatives from Kenya and USDA and USAID, farmers, as well as Mark Ball, Global Head of Public Affairs for Syngenta, a Digital Ag Association member. To view a recording of the event, please go to the following link and use the passcode (SE112023+).
CFS Policy Recommendations on Data:
There was strong support from countries around the world at the UN Committee on Food Security to achieve a balanced document that provided concrete guidance on data and food systems. Key wins include:
- Private sector input on the importance of data ownership and privacy concerns for farmers led to support from a cross-section of Member States, and the positive recognition of the role of the private sector.
- Anti-digital agricultural rhetoric from civil society failed to receive support. All members should note there was a very aggressive campaign against private sector work on digital solutions.
- References to Intellectual Property and privacy remain throughout.
- The data governance section refers to the competence of national regulatory frameworks.
World Trade
Organization (WTO)
- Considering trade-related aspects to digital farming, representatives are receptive to industry engagement on the potential and need for digital agriculture.
- Monitor ongoing discussions and engage in multistakeholder discussions as required.
- Policy recommendations to members, high visibility.
- Digital agriculture on the agenda via T20/T7 initiatives.
- Participate in the development of the digital strategy including furthering investment or prioritization of digital infrastructure.
Democratization of Digital at T7/T20:
Following engagement in the workshop series on “Enabling policies for digitalization in agriculture” held by the Global Solutions Initiative (GSI), DAA was invited to join the drafting groups working on the development of T7/T20 policy papers. The T7 and T20 policy briefs are on Transitioning to sustainable agricultural pathways through effective digital pathways (T7) and Harnessing digitalization to promote equitable and sustainable agriculture and food systems: Priorities for policies and investments (T20). DAA has provided extensive input to these T7 and T20 Policy Papers focusing on the importance of gender inclusivity, standard setting, and both public/private sector when building digital capabilities. Additionally, the findings of the Democratization of Digital Position Paper, particularly on rural infrastructure and bandwidth, cloud computing, and data sharing were featured in policy recommendations distilled from the GSI workshop series.
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The Digital Agriculture Association aims to bring the voice of the industry to issues relating to innovation and technological and digital applications in the agriculture sector.
Emerging ag inc. is spearheading the formation of the Digital Agriculture Association. Emerging ag inc. is providing secretariat services.